Lifetime Replay Of Previously Live Workshop

In this workshop I' covered... 

>>> Types of trauma 

>>> Why trauma can happen in your business 

>>> Survival patterns 

>>> Parts work 

>>> Eight tools for releasing trauma

The cost of this workshop includes...

>>> Live workshop

>>> Immediate access to lifetime replay

>>> Slides with journal prompts

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Special offer, only $22
"Messaging when you have multiple offers." Buy for $22 now, or $33-67 later. May 15, 2024 8am CD

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"I LOVE the use of the somatic exercises during coaching session. There is more going on with each individuals to try to do a one-stop shop for everyone. Alison's questions were poignant and brought me back to my intention, when I wanted to ramble. The somatic exercises were fantastic and I felt completely comfortable with Alison as she led me on a grounding exercise. She not only created a safe space, she created a brave space that allowed me to open up to her and share some personal experiences with her."

"I came into this not knowing what to expect and I was so impressed and happy with the results. I tend to go into meetings with an agenda, research, prepared questions... and this time I decided not to. As a result, I was much more present and aware during the session allowing me to open up more than ever before. Getting to the root cause of my anxiety towards money and responsibilities as a business owner and individual put a lot of things into perspective. I already feel better. Loved it!"

"Alison is truly so gifted and has definitely found her calling in this coaching space. Her calls have the perfect amount of structure and flow, with her always steering the ship but allowing me (client) to navigate. She is creative in the tools she implements based on the intention, and feels very attuned to my system when leading me through an experience. She always asks for consent, and sometimes offers options (ex. a feeler or grounding meditation) which I love, because it allows me to drop in and ask myself what I need rather than always surrendering."

Dealing with trauma from your business$67

  • Total payment
  • 1xDealing with trauma from your business$67

All prices in USD


“I recently had a somatics session with Alison for intense anxiety I was experiencing daily when I started my work day—some days it took nearly two hours to push through. I had tried several productivity and relaxation tips, but couldn’t seem to get past that block. 


During our session, Alison was able to help me get to the root of the issue, and it felt like my “survival mode button” got shut off! 

Not only did I walk away with immense peace, but she also gave me tools to regain the same clarity and tranquility, as well as strategies to continue overcoming obstacles in my business life.  

I am so grateful and will be signing up for many more sessions!” Thank you!! "

Lindsey Rains
Hoofprint Marketing

I had such a great somatic coaching session with Alison Reeves last week. I've been struggling with staying productive, especially when it comes to staying active on social media for my business. 

Alison worked with me to shine light on the root cause around some of my fears of failure that originated as a child and have followed me into adulthood. Being completely new to somatic coaching, I kept an open mind, and as a result I actually broke down and cried at one point (which is so not typical of me to be emotional like that!) and it felt so good to let go of that scared feeling that I had been bottling up for so long. 

Since then I've completely shifted my mindset and I'm more intentional with how I spend my time. I also walked away realizing that there are so many other ways to gain my audience without relying on social media at all (which feels so much better for me). Hooray! Thank you Alison!
Gabrielle Lopez

I love Alison! Working with her feels incredibly comfortable and safe. She's fun, genuine, and authentic - I trust her guidance and expertise. My favorite part of my experience was learning a new way to quickly access calm, comfort, and hopefulness when I feel my anxiety escalating. I don't believe anyone else could have filled the time the way she did. She addressed every detail of her process, my experience, what future sessions might look like, resources, ideas to explore further, & invited me to follow up with her if I had questions/thoughts. I asked her something like "but what if we don't know what we need?" - her response was a revelation - "we always know/our bodies always know." I spent the rest of my day thinking about that. Incredibly empowering! I'm so grateful for this experience!
